Institut numerique

LE GRAND PARIS How would this project generate an economic growth?

Motivations et Remerciements
A-Paris : A global city
A-a Historical context of Paris Ile-de-France
A-b The actual economic situation of Paris Ile-de-France
A-c Example of London
A-d Example of Berlin
B-Why the Greater Paris
B-a Definition of the problems of Paris Ile-de-France: challenges and benefits for the future
B-b The demand of the President Sarkozy.
B-c The legal status of “Grand Paris”
C- How this project could create an economic growth.
C -a Keynes Theory
C -b Classical theory
Hypo thesis 1: The greater Paris is not part of the European economic model
D-The projects proposed for the Greater Paris
D -a Public transports projects
D -b Expected impact on the economy
D-c Logistic projects to export
Hypothesis 2: Transport investments will be the main improvements on the economy
D-c Environmental projects
Hypothesis 3: The Greater Paris project is not a generator for the green economy
D-e IT and R&D development in the Greater Paris
Hypothesis 4: Greater Paris: Incubator of IT and R&D.
E-Analysis and discussions of the results
E -a Methodology
E-b Analysis
E -c Discussion of the Results