Institut numerique

ABSTRACT: Scorpionism, Epidemiology and risk’s factor in Morocco: Case of the province of Khouribga

The scorpionic envenimation, by its frequency, represents a problem of public health in Morocco, where several species of dangerous scorpions prevail, particularly: l’Androctonus mauretanicus, l’Androctonus maroccanus, Butheloides marocanus, Hottentota franzwerneri et Buthus occitanus.

The present work has been done within the framework of the national scorpionic stings and envenimation prevention. It aims at evaluating the national strategy of fight against this plague through the analysis of the register of the medical delegation of Khouribga in comparison with the monthly statement. The specific objective of this work is to define the epidemiologic profile of the punctured population in order to improve caring for the patients, to reduce morbidity and mortality due to scorpionism.

We thus analyzed 6011 cases of scorpionic stings over five years, between 2001 and 2005 recorded in the registers of the medical delegation of Khouribga and notified in the Anti-poison and Pharmacovigilance Centre of Morocco. The results of this study show that the majority of the stings coincide with the hot period and mainly during the night between 6 p.m. and midnight. The sex-ratio tends slightly to a female prevalence. The distribution of the age of stinged persons follows the population pyramid of the Moroccan population with an average age of 26,80±18,58 years. The rate of envenimation is 8.1% (class II + class III). The average incidence is 2,4‰. The rate of lethality is 0.66% and the average death rate is 0,016‰.

The analysis of the variance shows that the age, the class of admission and time post-sting control the evolution of the cases of scorpionic stinging and envenimations.

The number of treated cases deceased between 2001 and 2005, he average was 13%. The average of hospitalised rate was 6.18% and the refered rate was 8.6%.
The comparison of the 2001 and 2005 data revealed an improvement of the action to be taken since there is a clear reduction in morbidity and lethality during these years.

Cartography of the incidences, lethality and mortalities is established according to the national data of the monthly statements and is confronted with that of the distribution of the scorpion species of Morocco as a whole.

Key words :

Epidémiology – Khouribga – Scorpionism – Registre – Relevé mensuel – cartographie.

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